School Ethos
The Board of Management of Celbridge Community School upholds the ethos of the school, ensuring that it is:
- Equality based
- Co-educational
- Child-centred
- Democratically run
The Principal keeps the ethos and vision of the school visible and alive for everyone, so that they are experienced, by all members of the school community, and visitors to the school. A broad, balanced education curriculum is provided. The ethos, based on values of equality, human rights and active citizenship, permeates all teaching and learning in the school, thus challenging students to develop their own strong moral code. The school provides a caring, nurturing, safe and supportive environment, with positive teacher-student relationships. No one feels like an outsider and everyone is supported to reach his or her full academic and social potential.
Our Aims
Celbridge Community School aims to provide an education that enables all students to contribute meaningfully to their communities, embrace the rights and responsibilities of active citizenship and develop the knowledge and skills needed to live, learn and work in the 21st century.