Development education is an educational process aimes at increasing awareness and understanding of the rapidly changing interdependent and unequal world in which we live. It seeks to engage people in analysis, reflection and action for local and global citizenship and participation. It is about supporting people in understanding and acting to transform the social, cultural, political and econnomic structures which affect our lives at personal, community national and international levels.
The school is currently in the process of applying for WorldWise Global School Passport which would recognice the schools achievement towards a whole school approach to development education.
Students delivering some presentations on Fair Trade and the effects it has on Development.
The Development Education Committee held a #ClimateStrike outside our school this morning, 20th September 2019, to support the strikes happening across the world to highlight the urgent need to fight climate change. Celbridge Community School was represented at the Dublin strikes by some committee members from TY. Well done to all students involved.