Please see the information below on organisations and groups that support LGBTI+ teenagers and young people.
Support Services LGBTQ+
Resources for Parents-click-click the links below
Resources for Students-click the links below
School Supports
1. Students are welcome to contact their Caomhnóir or Ceann Bliana through Schoology.
2. Students can also submit a self-referral request for student support here: Self-Referral Request
3. Parents are welcome to email the school office: admin@celbridgecs.ie if you have additional queries or are seeking additional supports for your son/daughter.
Resources from the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) and the Department of Education and Skills
Reactions to A Critical Incident
Stages of Grief
Children's Understanding and Reaction to Death According to Age
SEN and Bereavement
How to Cope When Something Terrible Happens
General Bereavement
Ways To Help Your Child Through This Difficult Time
Children's Books around Grief and Bereavement
Coronavirus and Bereavement
Additional Resources from other Sources
Samaritans: 116 123 / jo@samaritans.ie
Pieta House: 1800-247-247 or text HELP to 51444 / mary@pieta.ie
Childline: Freetext 50101, Phone 1800 666666
Kildare Youth Services: 087-9614540 / aidan.farrelly@kys.ie
Barnardos(Support for Parents: 1800-910-123 / parentsupport@barnardos.ie